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Change Readiness Assessment
Senior Leadership Change Readiness Assessment Dashboard
Leadership Readiness Assessment Questions 1
Leadership Readiness Assessment Questions 2
Leadership Change Readiness Assessment Dashboard
All Stakeholders Change Readiness Assessment Dashboard
Invitiation to Readiness Assessment For All Staff
Readiness Assessment Questions For Leaders
Readiness Assessment Questions For All End User
Change Readiness Presentation
Post Implementation Interview Invitation for All Staff
Post Project Implementation Questions For All Staff

Change Strategy
Change Strategy
Communication and Engagament Strategy

Change Implementation Plan
Change Activities in a Waterfall Project Plan
Change Manager- Roles and Responsibilities
Change Implementation Plan – Sample 1
Change Implementation Plan – Sample 2

Change Management Plan
Change Management Plan- All Components – Sample
Change Impact- Sample
Communication Plan – Sample 1
Communication Plan 2 – Sample-Detailed
Engagement Plan- Sample 1
Engagement Plan- Sample 2- Detailed
Stakeholder Plan- Sample
Change Management Comms Quick Guide

Communication Templates — Per Phase
All Employees – Per Project Phase Communication
All Employees – Analysis Phase Comunication
All Employees – Design Phase Comunication
All Employees – Verification Phase Comunication
All Employees – Implementation Phase Comunication
All Employees – Commencement of Maintenance Comunication

Communication Templates — Kick Off, Pre Go-Live and Post Go-Live
Pre Go Live Communication – Internal
Pre Go Live Communication -External Stakeholders
Kick off- Senior Leadership
Kick off- Directors and Manager
Kick off- All Staff
Post Go Live Communication -External Stakeholders

Communication Templates — Preparing for Go-Live
Example- 1 Pager Instructional Attachment
14 Days Before Go Live Communication- All Staff
7 Days Before Go Live Communication- All Staff
1 Days Before Go Live Communication- All Staff
Go Live Day Communication- All Staff

Communication Templates — Versatile Communication
Survey Feedback Communication – Internal team
Subject Matter Expert – Mid Project Communication