Struggling with change?

Let us guide you

Change Management—

Isn’t something we talk about

Access our toolkit for free and begin your change journey today.

Our approach is practical, you have tools that are straightforward and easy to implement in real-world scenarios.

We simplify the process, by laying out the standard order of activities, so you don’t need to figure it out from scratch.

Our tools and templates consistently align with metrics, offering insights to drive successful change management and address past challenges.

Readiness Assessment

Change Strategy

Change Activity Plan

Change Management Plan


About Us

Our Mission: Simplify change management for impactful transformations. We believe in a team-based approach to change management and strive to bridge the gap between leadership visions and end-users’ perspectives.

We Do This By: Providing flexible, adaptable tools tailored to your unique situation, viewing change as an art, not a science.

Contact Us

We are located in Vancouver, BC and Portland, OR. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us!

[email protected]

☎ Vancouver, BC: 778 715 1555
☎ Portland, OR: 971 465 1555