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Change Management Plan

Engagement Plan- Sample 2- Detailed

A Detailed Stakeholder Engagement Schedule is a comprehensive timetable of activities. It outlines specific engagement activities, their objectives, methods, the responsible parties, and the exact dates these are to take place.

This schedule is created after the initial stages of the project, where stakeholders are identified, their needs understood, and general engagement objectives established. This detailed plan is then used as a reference for coordinating and executing engagement activities throughout the project’s lifecycle.

To maintain open communication lines, manage expectations, and promote participation among stakeholders. It ensures that activities are well-coordinated and everyone involved is aware of their roles and timelines.

By setting specific activities, assigning responsibilities, setting precise dates, and outlining clear objectives for each event. Activities can range from formal meetings to informal events such as workshops and team-building activities.

Unlike the broader Engagement Plan, this Detailed Schedule is more granular and time-bound, focusing on specific activities and their timings. It adds a layer of detail to stakeholder engagement, ensuring better coordination, and efficient use of resources. The schedule also includes a mix of formal and informal events to encourage a sense of participation and ownership among stakeholders.


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