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Change Management Plan

Stakeholder Plan- Sample

The Stakeholder Plan is a structured document that identifies and categorizes key individuals or groups involved in a project. It outlines their roles, level of influence, current and desired engagement levels, impact of the project on them, potential concerns, risks, and recommended actions for effective engagement.

The Stakeholder Plan is created at the beginning stages of a project once stakeholders are identified and continues to be a reference document throughout the project’s lifecycle.

To gain insights into each stakeholder’s position and concerns about the project, allowing for effective stakeholder management. The plan enables proactive actions to enhance stakeholder involvement, manage resistance, and increase the project’s likelihood of success.

By identifying stakeholders, understanding their roles, influence on the project, and potential concerns about the change. It recommends specific engagement actions tailored to each stakeholder’s needs and influence, mitigating potential risks.

The Stakeholder Plan is a crucial part of effective change management. It helps to highlight potential obstacles and provides a roadmap to address these proactively. Understanding and acting upon the ‘concerns relating to change’ and ‘risks if concerns are not addressed’ sections are vital for smooth project execution.


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