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Change Management Plan

Engagement Plan- Sample 1

An Engagement Plan is a strategic guide identifying various stakeholder groups, outlining their engagement objectives, key messages to communicate, methods of engagement, frequency of communication, and the responsible person for this engagement.

Formulated in the early stages of a project, but continuously maintained and adjusted throughout the project or change life cycle.

To ensure stakeholder alignment, manage expectations, drive support, and facilitate a smooth transition during the project or change. The plan helps to understand and engage the stakeholders effectively based on their interest, influence, and engagement objectives.

By identifying key stakeholder groups and determining the specific engagement objectives for each. This includes crafting key messages, choosing appropriate engagement methods, deciding the frequency of communication, and assigning responsibilities.

The Engagement Plan is dynamic and needs to be reviewed and updated frequently, allowing for adjustments as insights about stakeholders evolve and as the project progresses.


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