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Change Management Communication Templates – Kick Off, Pre Go-Live and Post Go-Live

Pre Go Live Communication -External Stakeholders

A structured communication plan intended to inform customers about significant operational changes due to system upgrades, such as transitioning to a new ERP. This plan outlines the temporary changes in services, reassurances about service continuity, and who to contact for support.

Distributed at the onset of the system upgrade process to provide customers with ample notice about any potential disruptions and to set expectations.

To maintain transparency and trust during potentially disruptive system changes, assure customers about the continuity of service, and provide clear directions on who to contact for assistance or further information.

Through an email announcement, companies can outline the rationale for the system upgrade, detail any potential impact on service delivery, and provide reassurances about continuity of service. This communication should also provide contact details for customer service support to handle queries or concerns.

When structuring this type of communication, it’s important to be clear and concise about the impact on customers. The language used should be reassuring and customer-focused, emphasizing the company’s commitment to maintaining high service levels despite temporary operational changes. Providing clear contact details for further support or queries can also strengthen the company’s rapport with its customers


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